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Before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside, you must know sorrow as the other deepest thing..... You must speak to it till your voice catches the thread of all sorrrows and you see the size of the cloth. Then it is only kindness that makes sense anymore.
an excerpt from Kindness, by Naomi Shihab Nye
What class is best for me?New to Yoga? Do you have health concerns? do you want to learn progressively to avoid injuries? Do you want more mobility, stability, better balance? Want a workout? We have a variety of classes for you. New to Yoga classes Gentle Iyengar Yoga - is for step-by-step learning; for new students and those with health concerns: hip & knee replacements; balance issues; autoimmune disorders; HBP; etc. Good for those new to yoga who have been sedintary and want to build stability, moblity, strength and flexibility. Mondays 12:30 - 1:30 pm (ongoing classes; drop-ins welcome) Yin Yoga - unknow yourself with deep stretching to target the fascia (lining) of the muscles, allowing joints to be "oiled" and freed up for less friction and better action. Beginners welcome. Mondays 9 am during the summer months. Flow Mixed Levels - for stronger, more athletic students want a bit more workout; learn to use breath coordinated with the flow of movement to build flexibility, strength, endurance and a focused mind. Times vary with teachers schedules. Please see our current schedule. For those who've practiced 6 months+ Iyengar Yoga Basics & Beyond Levels 1-2 - begin to hold poses longer for strength, flexibility and concentration; learn inversions for improved immune system function; practice ropes for greater opening of shoulders and hips; learn basic breath control (pranayama) to generate greater energy. Learn basic yogic philosophy to improve self reflection. Mondays 11am-12:15 pm, Thursdays 11am-12:15 pm ; Saturdays 9 - 10:30 am Iyengar Yoga Intermediate Levels 2-3 - refine the practice of the basic poses and connect to more advanced poses; increase length of time in inversions to bring more mental stability. Deepen breath control (pranayama) for improved energy; learn to employ yogic philosophy in life; beginning meditation practice. Tuesdays 9 - 10:15 am and Thursdays 9 - 10:15 am. Meditation - bring quiet and calm to your life with this weekly class that teaches you how to work with your mind and overcome the tendencies that disturb your mind, body and spirit.Beginners and those more practiced are welcome.Sundays 9am - 10:15 am Health Concerns? See the FAQ "Health Concerns" about the classes, privates and our Yoga Therapy Class options we offer.
Health Concerns?Weekly classes, Private Sessions and Yoga Therapy Class are options. Some conditions we treat with yoga...... Autoimmune disorders (MS, thyroid, diabetes, vasculitis; lupus, etc.), hip & knee replacements; HBP, heart and circulatory problems; balance issues; TBI, Osteoporosis, arthritis....and more. Gentle Iyengar Yoga - Mondays 12:30 - 1:30 pm is a good place to start. Private Sessions - for those whose conditions or injuries cannot be completely addressed in the weekly classes, it is best to set up private sessions (1-3 or more) with Lauren by calling (928) 940-0996 Yoga Therapy Class - for those who've been in classes with Lauren for at least 2 months or have taken private lessons with her; this option gives students more hands on with Lauren and is less costly than private sessions. Yoga Therapy Class is by appointment only. Tuesdays. 10:30am-12 noon; $20 for single class; $80/5 classes (new fees as of Oct 1, 2023 - $25 single class; $95/5 classes.
Other classes offered at OSYCMeditation - ongoing year round; de-stress; quiet your mind; become more focussed; greater self-reflection; improve sleep; become more peaceful; improve relationships. ZOOM ONLY ; Sundays 9-10:15 am (CONTACT KEN for ZOOM LINK 928-940-0997) Philosophy Classes - from time to time we offer focused philosophy classes to give students a deeper connection to the vast realm that is YOGA. Look at our schedule for the next one offered. Workshops - Yoga Therapeutic Classes addressing particular common issues such as back pain, shoulder and neck pain, knee pain, Osteoporosis/Osteopenia, HBP, menopause, etc. are offered. Check our schedule for the next one offered.
Styles of Yoga offered at OSYCIYENGAR YOGA, is based on the Eight Limbs of Yoga put forth in Patanjali’s treatise on yoga, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, that was codified over 2500 years ago. Through the in-depth study of yoga and through his guidance, Yogacharya, BKS Iyengar has transformed the teaching of yoga for our time. What distinguishes Iyengar Yoga is the emphasis on the alignment of body, breath, mind, and spirit within each yoga pose. This precision builds strength and stamina, balance and flexibility, reduces potential for injury, maximizes the benefits, and provides a deepened sense of equanimity with all and a deeper connection to in one’s inner life. PRANAYAMA (taught in the Iyengar Classes) – breath control, is an essential practice for those wishing to deepen their practice and expand their conscious awareness. Pranayama is a vital practice for generating energy for the body and mind. Pranayama practices are the doorways to the deeper practices including dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), and samadhi (absorption). Due to the effect that breath control has on the physical body and especially the nervous system, in the Iyengar method, the practices aren’t introduced until a steadiness is achieved in the asanas. Breath practices are usually paired with restorative asanas that are inward-focused to awaken the subtle body. At OSYC the last Saturday of most months teach Pranayama as part of the Saturday morning Iyengar Yoga class. FLOW YOGA– also know as “Vinyasa” (arranging something in a special way), is one of the most ubiquitous styles in the west. In vinyasa yoga classes, students coordinate movement with breath to flow from one pose to the next. This dynamic style is an exploration of the many boundaries of the body and mind. The poses (standing, seated, twisting, abdominal, inverting) are linked to and through Adho Mukha Svanasana, Downward facing Dog, one of the poses of Surya Namaskar, Sun Salutations. Beyond this, Krishnamacharya, the great yogi of the early 20th century, emphasized vinyasa as an artful approach to living, a way of applying the skill and awareness of yoga to all the rhythms and sequences of life, including self-care, relationships, work, and personal evolution. YIN YOGA (Yin/Yang Yoga as practiced at OSYC) - targets the fascia or connective tissue. It is slow and static, like traction. Muscles are relaxed and joints are exercised relieving stiffness and preventing degeneration. It also stimulates synovial fluid which “oils the joints” and encourages the flow of chi (energy).” Yin postures are held anywhere from 1 minute to 5 minutes depending on how advanced the student or class is. These postures mostly target the hips and spine. Props are used with the goal of achieving total relaxation as in Restorative Yoga. The Yin/Yang Class at OSYC starts with some Yang (flow) movement to stimulate the chi or life force that flows through all living things. The practice ends in Pentacle (Savasana -total relaxation). The Yin practice encourages the release of expectations and to go toward stillness! FORREST YOGA - unique combination of classic hatha yoga poses interwoven with flow (vinyasa) actions to bring stabilization to the mind and body.
What if I'm a "real" beginner in yoga or meditation?"Everyone was a beginner at one you're not alone. Our OSYC staff is particularly adept at guiding those who have never practiced yoga or meditation. We individualize poses and practices to insure you're "not holding anyone back" or "feeling left out". Private Sessions are available if someone has a particular health challenge that prevents them from participating in the general classes.
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